Sweat has been an attractive field of study in medicine and with the help of A.I sweat may be able to tell us more about our health quickly...
In the past few years, sweat has been an attractive field of study in medicine. Its availability on the skin surface, especially during exertion, and its non-invasive collection, are the main features of this biofluid that make it easy to work. Scientists at Northwestern University initially approached these studies with a publication in 2016, then supported by more recent publications at the University of Illinois in 2017.
This microfluidic monitoring device takes advantage of the convenience of collecting sweat, which contains important biomarkers such as electrolytes, small molecules, and proteins, and adheres to the skin’s surface with 5x greater force than a typical medical adhesive. It then routes the sweat harvested around the microchannel embedded in the second layer and uses it for qualitative analysis.
With this device, we can simultaneously maximize health promotion individually while minimizing the need to get lab work done. By sticking the soft, wearable device onto your arm before a workout, you can access information like glucose, lactate, chloride levels, pH, sweat rate, and even the total amount of sweat loss in a given time. Through this practical method, we can gradually work towards minimizing the need for drawing and assessing blood samples. Similar sweat monitoring technologies like these are currently limited to use in laboratory and hospital settings; however, this innovation puts the ability to monitor health in the patient’s hand. Literally!
With this device, we can simultaneously maximize health promotion individually while minimizing the need to get lab work done. By sticking the soft, wearable device onto your arm before a workout, you can access information like glucose, lactate, chloride levels, pH, sweat rate, and even the total amount of sweat loss in a given time. Through this practical method, we can gradually work towards minimizing the need for drawing and assessing blood samples. Similar sweat monitoring technologies like these are currently limited to use in laboratory and hospital settings; however, this innovation puts the ability to monitor health in the patient’s hand. Literally!
The device is equipped with a multi-layer stack that includes three subsystems: an adhesive layer with small openings for sweat harvesting, a sealed layer with channels as analytic reservoirs, and a magnetic loop antenna with near-field communication (NFC). The sealed layer encompasses a collection of soft-microfluidic channels with four reservoirs filled with color-responsive chemical reagents targeted to different biomarkers (glucose, lactate, chloride, and pH) for qualitative analysis. The data can be interpreted using a simple smartphone application for health and wellness purposes. With the appropriate application downloaded, hovering the phone over the in-place device enables voice-guided commands directly to review the different biomarkers.